Shady Camp, Day 97 - 14/07/2016

This morning the girls and I went for a walk down to the barrage to check the tide and look for crocs, on our way back  Erin spotted a Boo Book Owl stuck in some fishing line in a tree. We couldn't leave the poor thing strung up like this so we tried to rescue it, my first attempt using Anna's flannel shirt was a disaster and I walked away with very sore left had, their talons are very sharp. On my second attempt I was better prepared using my welding gloves and managed to hold the poor little bugger while Anna cut away the fishing line, unfortunately the line had a hook on it which was stuck in its wing which also appeared to be broken. One of the other campers helped me cut the barb off the hook and we were able to push the hook out. We released it at the base of a tree and the little bugger chased me off as a way of saying thank you, unfortunatley its wing was busted and we didn't have much hope for it. Luckily the rangers came later in the day and were able to collect it and take back into town to a vet for treatment.

Aside from the bit of excitement we got to watch about 800 head of cattle be mustered across the barrage by helicopter which was very interesting. The rest of the day was much less exciting we all tried our best to use the soft plastics but without the correct jig heads our lures looked very sad and deformed and if I were a Barra I wouldn't have been fooled either. On our way back to camp a croc caught a Royal Spoonbill right next to the barrage which was fascinating and like being in our our documentary.Tonight Anna cooked up a delicious roast pork with sensational crackling and roast vegies, we might not have caught fish but we were the envy of camp tonight.

Distance Traveled = 0 km
Total distance traveled with camper = 33,140, km 
Total number of nights in the camper = 228


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