Simpson Desert - Day 15, Birdsville to Windorah 01/07/2017

After a quick pack up we headed back into Birdsville to fill up our Gas Bottle and the tanks with diesel before heading East to Windorah. Today's drive was utter chaos with every man and his dog and their caravan descending on Birdsville. I've got to say most people did the right thing and are considerate of other drivers on dirt roads but there is always is the exception to the rule and these turkey's ruin it for everyone.

I lost count of how many times we were showered with rocks and on a few occasions some expletives might have been fired off on the UHF radio. Some drivers think that if you slow down and move off to the side of the road when you approach them this is a green light for them to maintain high speed and drive down the middle of the dirt road others think its fine to overtake at high speed in dusty conditions over crests then panic and pull in on top of you...

After a couple of hundred kilometres the dirt road ends and we move to a single lane tar road which isn't much better with caravaners placing their passenger wheels in the dirt and spraying you with dirt instead of washing off speed. Anyway we wont ever try and drive out of Birdsville against the traffic its too much of hassle. Fortunately by mid afternoon we made it Windorah where we visited the Western Star Hotel for some welcome beers and a nice warm shower. Once we were watered and clean we moved out to the Cooper Creek to free camp for the night.

Distance Travelled - 379km.

Get this man  a BEER


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