Cape York - Day 3, Bilyana to Wonga Beach 18/06/2018

Last nights free camp was located between the highway and a railway line, the road noise wasn't too bad but sometime in the night a freight train rolled through at full speed and scared the beejesus out of all of us…

We didn't have as far to travel today as our planned destination was the Wonga Beach Caravan park near Daintree as we hoped, weather permitting we could tackle the CREB track the following day.

Today's scenery was spectacular with us entering the wet tropics and the beautiful lush rain forest, it reminded us of the time we spent here at the end of our 6 month trip. Before we knew it we had arrived at Wonga Beach were we set up and then cooked a very late lunch. We aren't caravan park people but the Wonga Beach Caravan park was great, most of the residents are regulars that book their sites for the season each year and have a great community. We were invited to the daily happy hour and our family was easily the youngest people in attendance but great to have a chat with other travellers and share our plans for the next few weeks.

Distance travelled = 255km


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