Coward Springs to Algebuckina Bridge - Day 15, 23/04/2016

We took our time this morning soaking up the sun after a cool night and morning. After packing up we walked out to the Coward Springs museum that was located in the old engine drivers quarters that the Coward Springs owners had restored to its former glory. They had done a very good job and have also restored the station masters residence that is used as the main house. I love reading about the early history of Australia and following the Old Ghan line has been something I've wanted to do for sometime. We thoroughly enjoyed our stay at Coward Springs its easily the best place we have stayed so far, the facilities are great and would be the best long drops in the outback. I would recommend a stay here to anyone travelling the Oodnadatta Track.

We had originally planned to stay out at Halligan Bay on Lake Eyre tonight but we had heard that the water hadn't reached that far south yet and the track in was pretty rough so we decided to give it a miss Sitting out in the open to look at salt flats didn't appeal to us.

We stopped in at Walkers Creek for a bite to eat and a quick beer in the pub before continuing on along the track. Anna has always been fascinated by Anna Creek Station (biggest station in the world) and was keen to check out the old Anna Creek railway siding. The Oodnadatta track and the old railway line separate just before Anna Creek and run either side of a small ridge, eagle eyed Anna spotted an unmarked track that took us down to the Anna Creek siding. These ruins were in pretty good condition and free from the graffiti unlike the other sidings that are more accessible. From here we continued onto Algebuckina Bridge which is the largest bridge in SA and found a nice camp for the night.

Distance Traveled = 214 km
Total distance traveled with camper = 24,044 km 
Total number of nights in the camper = 158


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