Birdsville to Mungerannie - Day 13, 21/04/2016
This morning was our last in Birdsville and I was looking forward to getting back on the road, it was good staying at the Caravan Park as we had access to power and could charge all of our equipment and untimed showers are nice, but I hate being penned in and I dislike living on top of others and much prefer our space and peace and quiet. After packing up it was across the road to the Roadhouse to fill up ($1.60 per litre) and then we had to have the usual shot of the car and camper in front of pub. On our way out of town we stopped in at the race track to show the kids before we hit the Birdsville track south to Mungerannie.
We had an uneventful run until we stopped to pick up some fire wood and I noticed that we had a leak in the camper water tank. One of the hoses had coped a rock or more likely multiple rocks and had a small split in it right next to the tank, thankfully it was a small leak and we were able to continue onto Mungerannie were I repaired it after setting up camp. We filled up with diesel here too (1.90 per litre) and had a beer and a burger from the hotel for our late lunch. Later in the afternoon we took the kids down to the Hot Spring/Bath for a soak before having a proper bath up at the showers.
We had an uneventful run until we stopped to pick up some fire wood and I noticed that we had a leak in the camper water tank. One of the hoses had coped a rock or more likely multiple rocks and had a small split in it right next to the tank, thankfully it was a small leak and we were able to continue onto Mungerannie were I repaired it after setting up camp. We filled up with diesel here too (1.90 per litre) and had a beer and a burger from the hotel for our late lunch. Later in the afternoon we took the kids down to the Hot Spring/Bath for a soak before having a proper bath up at the showers.
Distance Traveled = 304 km
Total distance traveled with camper = 23,504km
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