Dandabah Camp Ground, Bunya Mountains National Park - 29th to 31st of May

Friday the 29th of May was a Show Day public holiday and the kids had the day off so Anna and I took the day off from work to make the most of a long weekend. We left home mid morning on Friday and just before lunch we arrived at camp. Later in the afternoon we walked down to Festoon Falls and explored the Bunya forest around camp. Dinner was a beautiful Lamb Curry cooked on top of our version of the Ozpig which was great.

On Saturday we left camp to tackle the Barker Creek circuit and the side trip out to Big Falls lookout, it was a great walk through some beautiful forest with some spectacular views. We were so proud of both the girls who completed the 11.5km walk without complaining and well and truly deserved their ice cream. At 3.30 we walked down to the bird feeding area so the girls could feed the King Parrots and the Crimson Rosella's and they thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

We had a great time at Bunya Mountains and look forward to coming back and tackling some of the other walks. The camp ground facilities are great with flushing toilets and hot showers the only negative is not being able to have open fires, contained off the ground fires are allowed and we were the envy of the camp ground as we were the only ones enjoying a warm fire each night.

Trip Distance = 350km
Total distance travelled with camper = 17,032km
Total number of nights in the camper = 121

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