Borumba Dam 14th and 15th of February

This trip was another quick overnighter, we had a great time at Borumba Dam last time so decided to visit again. When we booked we were told that the Dam was closed to all on water activities due to a blue-green algae bloom. This didn't concern us too much as we didn't plan on using the Dam for boating or fishing and in the end it worked in our favour as the usual fishing and skiing crowds weren't there and we almost had the camp ground to ourselves.

Bron, Steve and Alana joined us again on this trip and we caught each other on the road and arrived together. We were soon set up when we were joined by Anna’s parents Greg and Lenore and their friends John and Jan who had travelled over from Charlie Morelands camp ground to join us for morning tea. They brought the rain with them and we all had to huddle under shelter together. The weather soon cleared and we spent the rest of the day enjoying the warm weather, after lunch we walked down to the Yabba creek to check out the rope swing that the kids (big and small) had such a great time using when we last visited. Unfortunately the creek level was much lower than last time, its fed by releases from the dam and we assumed that they stopped doing any releases due to the algae bloom. Not to be out done Steve found another rope swing a little further up the creek that was in deep water and we all had a great time using it.

Sunday morning came too soon and the weather looked a little dodgy, not wanting to deal with a wet pack up we decided to pack away the camper just before morning tea. As it happens the moment we packed up the dark clouds retreated and we had more sunny weather. So it was back to the creek for more fun on the rope swing before heading back home after lunch. We had a great time at Borumba Dam, the facilities are nice and clean and having the place pretty much to ourselves was a nice change from the usually busy camp ground that you normally get in the warmer months.

Trip Distance = 204km
Total distance travelled with camper = 15,493km
Total number of nights in the camper = 106

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