Peach Trees Camp Ground, Jimna State Forest - 7th and 8th November

The weather forecast for this weekend looked a little dodgy with storms forecast for most of the weekend. We woke up on Saturday morning to blue skies and decided a weekend away camping would be better than staying at home even if it may be wet. We hit the road just after 8am and we followed our familiar route up the range to Jimna.

After arriving we quickly selected a spot that wasn't directly under any large trees and set up for the day.It was a warm day and we hadn't set up the awning on the camper as we were staying for one night so we set up the car awning to provide a bit of shade. The girls rode their bikes around camp and Anna and I settled in relaxing and chatting. Soon after lunch the storm clouds started rolling in and a large storm cell passed to the south of us.Luckily we only caught the edge of it but the thunder and lightning show was spectacular. We didn't get much rain but it was enough to be annoying and showers came and went throughout the afternoon. Later that afternoon the girls had a quick swim in the creek and we got the fire going so we could cook the lamb roast in the camp oven.  The roast dinner was awesome and after cleaning up we sent the girls to bed and enjoyed a few drinks around the fire.

We had a few showers overnight and we woke to an overcast morning. After breakfast the sun came out long enough to dry out the canvas and we packed up just before lunch as the clouds started to darken and we wanted to avoid a wet pack up. We had an enjoyable time at Peach Tree's, the facilities are all nice and new and its definitely one of our favourite spots, The swimming hole is still closed and if they could get that cleaned up Peach Tree's would be even better.

Trip Distance = 178km
Total distance travelled with camper = 19,983km
Total number of nights in the camper = 136

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