Crows Nest Nartional Park - 31st May to 2nd June

Friday was a day off from work and school for Anna and the kids due to the Maleny Show Day, so what better excuse for me to cash in some of my Flex time and take a day off too and go camping.

After our first visit to Crows Nest in February we were keen to head back there again, this time we were joined by Andrea and her 2 children Jayda and Marcio. We hit the road mid morning on Friday and made our way up to crows nest via Kilcoy, Esk, and Hampton stopping in at Ravensbourne for a quick toilet break. By midday we had arrived at the campground and were set up just in time for a late lunch. After lunch we went for a quick walk with the kids down to Kauyoo Pool. Andrea cooked a very tasty pasta dish for dinner and after a quick clean up we all settled in around the campfire where we were soon joined by the local possum who didn't seem too worried about us and made himself at home around our campsite.

We had a cool start on Saturday morning but after a quick game of cricket with the kids we were all warmed up for the 4.5km walk out to Koonin lookout. Before we left we helped the only other camper with a quick jump start, his very nice 200 series Land Cruiser had a flat battery... All the kids did a fantastic job on the walk and were rewarded with a close up encounter with a Rock Wallaby and her baby joey at Koonin Lookout. I was amazed at how close she let us get and it was another awesome experience for our kids in a beautiful part of SE QLD. The afternoon was spent chilling out in camp watching the kids play and ride their bikes, we had the campground to ourselves until late in the evening when another couple arrived.

Sunday morning arrived too soon, we enjoyed a delicious breakfast of pancakes, bacon and eggs and then we started packing up. Anna and Andrea took the kids for one last walk down to Kauyoo pool while I finished up at camp. They managed to find another Rock Wallaby and had a great time climbing up and over the rocks in the creek bed, I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.

Our plan was to head home via Yarraman, Blackbutt and Kilcoy but my GPS had other idea's and it guided us via backroads through Mt Binga and Googa State Forests which turned out to be a very scenic route. We eventually rejoined the D'Aguilar Highway in Blackbutt and then made our way home via Kilcoy arriving home just as the rain started.

Our next camping trip will be down to the Border Ranges National Park just over the QLD/NSW border with our mates Bron and Steve.

Trip distance = 336km
Total distance travelled with camper = 5545km
Total number of nights =39


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